16 June 2008


EE over at Backboards and Band-Aid blogroll'd me. I was gonna inquire as to her reasoning, but then I read "bitch, don't fucking ask me why" and thought better of it.

Getting added to a blogroll is cool. But I don't have anything [entertaining, witty, enlightening, or intelligent] to say. Which is considerably less cool. Further, she categorized my mutterings as EMS-related. YES I AM. Just not now, or for the foreseeable future. It has been too long since I rode backwards. This fact bothers me. I have not obtained vitals, initiated an IV, dodged reverse peristalsis, or macarena'd with a psych patient, in what I consider to be an uncomfortably long time.

I am something I hate. I have a desk. I have a cup full of pens on that desk. I have a stapler (albeit not a Swingline, I wish Milton would burn this bitch down). I have one of those big blotter calendars. I have a whiteboard (that doesn't violate HIPAA). I work 0730-1730, Monday thru Friday, with occasionally weekends. What the hell am I supposed to do with a lunch break?

I miss the road.


EE said...

Haha, just don't ask me "why" in front of a patient or while I'm busy and we'll be good.

I placed you on my blog roll because I think you're pretty damn funny.

Also, administration rocks...or some shit.

Rogue Medic said...

Maybe you should tell them you need to get out on the road a bit to keep your sanity.

Then start playing "Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta."