14 June 2008


emergency -

1. A serious situation or
occurrence that happens unexpectedly and demands immediate action.
2. A condition of urgent need for action or assistance:
a state of emergency

As a Paramedic-Firefighter, one might automatically assume I'm writing this post regarding definition #2. After all, that's what we do. However, in my present, lamentable, strictly administrative role, there is very little of what we would consider "urgent need for action". Definition #1 may very well need the word "perceived" wedged before "serious".

You see, despite the fact that I am currently in the aforementioned "administrative position" (read: POG, desk-jockey, etc) , people constantly use the word "emergency" to refer to their present situation.

*Cliche Alert*: Piss-poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. Period. If you dropped the ball, this guy shouldn't have to pick it up for you. I can, and occasionally will, but do not assume that is my responsbility.

Further, do not call an emergency contact number, refuse to give your name, claim it's an emergency, and then expect further assistance. It doesn't work that way. If you have an emergency, answer the damn questions.

Next Post: DA Civilians


Rogue Medic said...

Are you suggesting that responsibility helps to prevent emergencies?

Perhaps it is time to go back to PC school.

EE said...

"Piss-poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. Period. If you dropped the ball, this guy shouldn't have to pick it up for you. I can, and occasionally will, but do not assume that is my responsbility."

I'm printing that and posting it next to my desk, with your premission, and credit given to you, of course.

EE said...
